Rank: 8   |   07 February 1978   |   Score: 136.77

We are calling this event the "Northeast Blizzard of '78" to differentiate it from the Great Lakes Blizzard of '78, which occured 26-27 January.

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Surface Analysis(Courtesy NOAA, all times 07:00EST)
Reanalysis 4-Panels
Feb. 5: CONUS Zoomed
Feb. 6: CONUS Zoomed
Feb. 7: CONUS Zoomed
Synoptic 2
Surface Low Track (every 6h, NARR)
and Total Liquid (Unified Precipitation Dataset)

Raw Surface Obs.

Feb. 6: 00z 03z 06z 09z 12z 15z 18z 21z
Feb. 7: 00z 03z 06z 09z 12z 15z 18z 21z
Feb. 8: 00z 03z 06z 09z 12z 15z 18z 21z

Related Articles:

Brown, H.E., and D.A. Olson, 1978: Performance of NMC in Forecasting a Record-Breaking Winter Storm, 6-7 February 1978. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 59, 562-575.

Dickson, R.R., 1978: WEATHER AND CIRCULATION OF FEBRUARY 1978 (Record or Near-Record Cold East of the Continental Divide with a Major Blizzard in the Northeast). Mon. Wea. Rev., 106, 746-751.