What is Photogrammetry?

  • Believe it or not, but your camera is a remote sensing instrument!
  • It is possible to create an azimuthal/elevation angle grid on the photograph.
  • This technique is called cloud photogrammetry 
  • The azimuth/elevation angle grid is created by knowing the locations of landmarks in the picture and the position of the photographer very accurately-->>
  • Hence, it is important to have the horizon in your image with distinguishable features on the horizon.
  • The azimuth/elevation angle grid on the image is very similar to putting lat/lons on a satellite image.
  • If you have gridded pictures from more than two photo sites, it is possible to triangulate cloud locations to determine their exact locations.
  • It is also possible to combine radar data with photogrammetrically analyzed photographs.  Here are some examples.