Notes: Perl Lab 08


  1. Join Function
  2. Concatenation
  3. Substrings
  4. length function
  5. Case manipulation

  1. The join function

    The join function joins the elements of a list (array) together as a single string with the individual elements separated by the specified string. While this appears to be simililar to the split function, the first argument cannot be a pattern, it must be a string.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # Name: Mark Tucker
    # Assignment: Lab08 Example 00
    # Description: join function examples
    @greek = qw( alpha beta delta epsilon zeta eta iota gamma theta omega );
    # Join array elements together with the * character 
    $string_one = join('*', @greek);
    print "String 1:\n$string_one\n\n";
    # Join array elements together in one continuous string
    $string_two = join('', @greek);
    print "String 2:\n$string_two\n\n";
    # Join array elements together with a variable
    $join_str = ':::';
    $string_three = join($join_str, $greek[3], $greek[7], $greek[1], $greek[0]);
    print "String 3:\n$string_three\n\n";
    # DONE

    When executed, the script above produces the following output:
    [mark@iguana perl] ./ 
    String 1:
    String 2:
    String 3:
    [mark@iguana perl] 

  2. String Concatenation

    In perl, the concatenation operator is the dot character (.). This can be used to contatenate strings in variable assignment or in other functions such as a print statment.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # Name: Mark Tucker
    # Assignment: Lab08 Example 01
    # Description: Concatenation examples
    @greek = qw( alpha beta delta epsilon zeta eta iota gamma theta omega );
    # concatenation during variable assignment
    $alphabeta = $greek[0] . $greek[1];
    print "Alpha/Beta is $alphabeta\n";
    # concatenation in a print statment.
    print "This string was written on ".
        "multiple lines but will ".
        "print only one.\n";
    # DONE

    When executed, the script above produces the following output:
    [mark@iguana perl] ./ 
    Alpha/Beta is alphabeta
    This string was written on multiple lines but will print only one
    [mark@iguana perl] 

  3. Substrings

    Substrings can be extracted from a string using the substr function. The function uses the following syntax:
    substr($string, $offset, $length)
    In the above statement $string would be the text string from which a substring will be extracted. The $offset and $length define which substring of the original string ($string) will be returned. $offset tells the substr function where to begin the substring. If the substring were to begin with the first character of the string then the value of $offset would be 0. If we wished to start the substring with the third character then the value of $offset$length, defines how long, in characters, the substring will be. $length should be an integer value. Some examples below:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # Name: Mark Tucker
    # Assignment: Lab08 Example 02
    # Description: Substring examples
    # assign value for a string
    $test_string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    # extract a substring and print to the screen
    $newsubstr = substr($test_string, 3, 5);
    print "New substring is '$newsubstr'\n";
    # extract a substring and print to the screen using variables 
    # to define the substring
    $strlngth = 7;
    $offset = 9;
    $second_substr = substr($test_string, $offset, $strlngth);
    print "Second substring is '$second_substr'\n";
    # DONE

    When executed, the script above produces the following output:
    [mark@iguana perl] ./ 
    New substring is 'defgh'
    Second substring is 'jklmnop'
    [mark@iguana perl] 

  4. The length Function

    The length function simply returns the length of a text string. It is useful when used in conjunction with the substring function. Below is a script with some examples of how to use the length function:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # Name: Mark Tucker
    # Assignment: Lab08 Example 03
    # Description: Substring and length()  examples
    # assign value for a string
    $str_one = 'Perl is great!';
    $str_two = 'I love Unix!!';
    $str_three = 'Computers are evil';
    # returning the length and saving in a variable.
    $length_two = length($str_two);
    print "String two is $length_two characters long.\n";
    # Returning the length in a print statement using concatenation
    print "String one is " . length($str_one) . " characters long.\n";
    # Using the length function inside a substring function
    $sl = 4;
    $offset = length($str_three) - 4;
    $last_four = substr($str_three, $offset, $sl);
    #an equivalent statement
    $last_four_more = substr($str_three, (length($str_three) -4), 4);
    print "The last four characters of '$str_three' are '$last_four' or ".
    # DONE

    When executed, the script above produces the following output:
    [mark@iguana perl] ./  
    String two is 13 characters long.
    String one is 14 characters long.
    The last four characters of 'Computers are evil' are 'evil' or 'evil'
    [mark@iguana perl]     

  5. Case Manipulation

    Perl has several functions for altering the case of a string.
    uc($string)Returns the value of $string will all characters converted to upper case
    lc($string)Returns the value of $string with all characters converted to lower case
    ucfirst($string)Returns the value of $string with just the first character converted to uppercase. All other charactes in the string are unchanged.
    lcfirst($string)Returns the value of $string with just the first character converted to lower case. All other characters in the string are unchanged.

    Some examples:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # Name: Mark Tucker
    # Assignment: Lab08 Example 04
    # Description: Case manipulation
    # get the user's name
    print "Please enter your name:\n";
    chomp($myname = <STDIN>);
    # upper case the first character of the string
    print "Capitalize: " . ucfirst($myname) . "\n";
    # upper case the entire string
    print "Upper case: " . uc($myname) . "\n";
    # reassing $myname as an upper case string
    $myname = uc($myname);
    # lower case the first character of the string
    print "Lower first: " . lcfirst($myname) . "\n";
    # lower case the entire string
    print "Lower case: " . lc($myname) . "\n";
    # DONE

    When executed, the script above produces the following output:
    [mark@iguana perl] ./  
    mark tucker
    Capitalize: Mark tucker
    Upper case: MARK TUCKER
    Lower first: mARK TUCKER
    Lower case: mark tucker
    [mark@iguana perl]     

last updated: 18 Mar 2012 13:04